Sunday, 8 December 2013

Do the looks matter in acquiring Affection?
I m totally sure that this question has always stroke our minds, especially in the teenage group. Being humans, we always want someone to rely upon, whom we can own and give ourselves to be owned! But there's always that "Asthetics" have a great impact on acquiring attention. If u r not beautiful/handsome , then there's a lot of work u have to do! Like we have to be gentle, kind etc etc. Why is that the persons with good looks have a less responsibiilty towards maintaining a good character b'cause they have got many persons to rely upon but the lucky one who is defined " ugly " by the world has to build his/her character to "raise the level of attraction and satisfaction".
May be nature defined 2 ways to walk for the so called dashing class and one for the normal,common "ugly" class! U may find it offensive but it's a bitter truth!
If u have faced or are facing the same, then it's a humble request from my side to kindly realise the etrenal truth...not this talk which people consider it true!!
For those who lay less emphasis on decorating themselves, we have been selected to walk across the second way! We have been selected to think beyond this think beyond asthetics! To think about our very own All Mighty! :-)

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